Saturday, April 10, 2010

Repost: More 'words of love' - Seven more anti-gay statements and personalities

This is a repost of the sequel to a popular post I created, Words of Love? When I create a part three (and I will), Mike Huckabee's recently expressed sentiments about lgbt families will be included.

This is to remind people that the narrative of lgbts being pushy, angry, hypocritical, intolerant folks is a myth. We weren't exactly the ones who started this mess. And though Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, the folks at the National Organization for Marriage, Peter LaBarbera, and other various groups and entities like to portray us as the aggressors, as the following will demonstrate,  they aren't exactly innocent or blameless.

Pat Buchanan - Buchanan, the "respected" journalist and former White House employee who probably single-handedly gave the 1992 Presidential election to Bill Clinton after his "culture war" speech at the Republican National Convention held that same year hasn't exactly been a friend to the lgbt community

In all honesty, Buchanan, as the link shows, doesn't seem to care for anyone not fiting his "specifications" of a true American, but his verbal attacks on the lgbt community gone beyond the pale of ugly. They are best typified by this missive thrown at those suffering from HIV/AIDS in 1983:

The poor homosexuals -- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is extracting an awful retribution (AIDS)." 

or 1990:

"With 80,000 dead of AIDS, our promiscuous homosexuals appear literally hell-bent on Satanism and suicide,"

or 1993:

"AIDS is nature's retribution for violating the laws of nature."

Donnie McClurkin - Don't act shocked. You know I was going to include him. After his recent uncalled for attack against the lgbt community last week, McClurkin definitely makes this list. His comments against young gay men of color were as follows:

“I see feminine men, feminine boys, everywhere I go … No, don’t applaud ‘cuz it ain’t funny. It’s because we failed. I see them everywhere.”

I'm having flashbacks of that little boy in the Sixth Sense.

Of course in his screed,  McClurkin didn't want to leave the sistas out. He had this to say about young lesbians:

"These young girls are just as bad as the boys in homosexuality, you don't see it. They can hide . . . but there are some evil young hard butch girls."

McClurkin has in the past claimed that he was molested and that led to him being gay. He has also said that through the "power of Jesus," he is no longer gay.

I say two things.

1. When someone like McClurkin says that they have been "delivered from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ,"  that usually means they are going to go through life more celibate than a monk in coma.

2. If by chance McClurkin ever announces that he is dating a woman or about to marry a woman, I suggest that we all stop what we are doing and start looking for Rod Serling. Because we will definitely be in the Twilight Zone.

Matt Barber - And then there is the Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber, the author of the following statement on why anti-discrimination protection for lgbts would be a bad idea:

“Imagine, if you will, a 280 lb linebacker who likes to wear a dress and high heels and lipstick, you know comes to church wanting a job at the front desk as a receptionist and they turn him away because they don’t feel that that represents their values or the image that they’re trying to hold at that church, under ENDA they could be held accountable for discrimination against that individual.”

In 2005, he lost his job at AllState Insurance in part for penning an anti-gay column. Since that time, the story was spun that he was fired due to his beliefs and he has parlayed that narrative into cinchy gigs with Concerned Women for America, the Liberty Counsel, and a book deal. However, like all religious right stories of gay persecution, there are details omitted (such as Barber using AllState Insurance equipment to write his column or him identifying himself as an employee of AllState in the same column). To paraphrase critic Mary McCarthy's famous statement on playwright Lillian Hellman, just about all of Barber's tale of being a victim of the "gay agenda" is a lie including the words "and" and "the."

But seeing that he predates Carrie Prejean as a religious right figure of alleged gay persecution, let's all pray that no freaky videos or pictures of Barber pop up.

Despite what they say, gay men are not that desperate to see naked flesh.

Michael Savage - I have a new drinking game for you. Listen to Michael Savage and take a drink every time he makes comments comparing someone to either Hilter or Nazis. However for the purpose of this post, the comments he made to a caller of his (defunct) television show  in 2007 puts him over the top:

"Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig."

This outburst led to his firing. Funny thing about that. The only time I ever watched Savage's show was when this incident happened.

Maybe I should start watching Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

Alan Keyes - Alan Keyes reminds me of a restaurant which tries to fill patrons on appetizers because it has no entrees. Other than his longwinded way of presenting the issues, the consistent way he keeps losing every elected office he runs for, and for the fact that he wastes his intelligence, just what has Alan Keyes accomplished to get all of the attention he does?.

Perhaps among other things, it's comments like the following:

" Hitler and his supporters were Satanists and homosexuals. That's just a true statement. . . .   - People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1997, p.26.

Keyes once actually made me cry. It was when he ran (and lost) the Illinois Senate race against now President Obama. I wept over the shame that for the first time in history, two black men were running against each other for Congress and one of them was certifiably loony

Jimmy Swaggart - Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart likes his rough-looking prostitutes, but he doesn't necessarily care for gay men as seen by this comment he made in 2004:

"I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain: if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died.

Now Jimmy, if any gay man looked at you that way, we in the community would kill him before you had the chance. . .for having bad taste.

Jesse Helms- I am only bringing up the late North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms because the young folks may not remember his lovely sentiments regarding the lgbt community. He never minced words about how he felt. For example, Helms was very straightforward as to why he opposed Roberta Achtenberg to be assistant secretary for fair housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Development :

“She’s a damn lesbian. I’m not going to put a lesbian in a position like that.”

I'm told Helms changed his mind after being assured that Actenberg was a "doggone lesbian," three steps below a "damned lesbian."

Seriously, Actenberg did get the job and I need to say something here. Though I loathed Helms, his candor was refreshing, if not altogether totally repulsive. I would rather deal with him than the phony "we love you but we would love you more if you just knew your place" histronics of Maggie Gallagher and company.

At least with Helms, you knew where you stood, even if it were in a pool of quicksand.

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