Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Anti-gay folks caught being disingenuous liars Parts 1 & 2 and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Forget the fox we have in this hunt -- PFOX's constant half-truths & misreps are reason enough to rescind D.C. honor - Anti-gay folks caught being disingenuous liars Part 1.

Engle Offers Tactical Support For Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill - Anti-gay folks caught being disingenuous liars Part 2.

Gay couples as fit to adopt as heterosexuals - No surprise to anyone but welcomed news anyway.

Partner violence more likely if gay - I read this article and, while it's a very important issue, there are some things about it that make me uncomfortable. The title is highly irresponsible, there is no link to the study in the article, and the researchers supposedly only looked at gay and lesbian couples in California. One thing is for sure - expect religious right groups to exploit it - the article AND the study.

Cross-Dressing Teen Sparks Prom Debate In NJ - And he WON!

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1 comment:

  1. RW in LGB11:11 AM

    RE: That partner/violence study: Note the source: UPI. Owned by the Rev. Sun-Young Moon, rabid homophobe-- isn't it?!

    I wouldn't give it a second of credence.
