Saturday, May 01, 2010

Peter LaBarbera 'obsessed' with schools being 'homosexuality promotion zones'

You think Peter LaBarbera  is obsessed with the lgbt community?

That question was rhetorical seeing all of years, time, and effort he has spent attacking us, demonizing us, and basically trying to make us seem like the "other" in American society.

But the above video takes the cake. It happened this morning during Janet (I'm demanding that God give Christians control over the media) Porter's absolutely ridiculous May Day 2010 event in D.C.

May Day 2010 is one of those "America needs to repent and turn to God before he opens a big can of whip ass on us" events religious right groups generally hold when they are either trying to raise more funds or galvanize more folks through scare tactics.

And I think LaBarbera takes the cake here. According to People for the American Way's Religious Right Watch:

Peter LaBarbera . . . used his five minutes to attack gays, asking God to forgive us for our "excessive tolerance," lamenting "the long secular road America has traveled from 'abomination' to 'gay'," and for allowing "homosexual activists ... to fulfil their wicked plan of turning America's schools, public and sometimes private, into homosexuality promotion zones"

The idea that this silly man accuses the lgbt community of being some secret evil group out of a James Bond is extremely offensive and I would get angry if LaBarbera's prayer wasn't so hilariously ludicrous. Particularly 2:22 to 2:40 when he interrupts his prayer (to God) to explain to the audience one of the sources he cites.

Who knew prayers came with footnotes?

Folks like LaBarbera seem to always forget that lgbts can pray too and not only that, God hears our prayers.

This particular gay man won't be praying for his destruction, only that LaBarbera finally receives some type of inner peace.

Maybe then he will leave the lgbt community alone.

Not that I'm hinting anything, mind you.

UPDATE - According to Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out, the $70,000 event was a HUGE flop.

Related posts:

Peter LaBarbera - the self-destruction of an anti-gay activist

Pillars of Faith: Peter LaBarbera, Anti-Gay Creep

Porno Pete On Rampage

The 'Complete' Peter LaBarbera by Box Turtle Bulletin

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  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I'm more hoping that Porno Petey gets caught en flagrante grosso with pix and videos.

    He does have an affinity for gay porn after all.

  2. Mykelb3:44 PM

    Peter, Peter, Peter. You know the only gay promotional zones left are the 7 bathhouses in DC, LA, NYC, Seattle, Chicago, San Juan, and Honolulu. Silly voyeur.
