Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ugandan anti-gay bill creator wallows in the filth of his own homophobia

It has been said that sometimes you have to let purveyors of ignorance and hate speak freely because sooner or later they tend to damage their own cause.

This saying should be remembered when listening to an interview with MP David Bahati, the creator of that awful anti-gay Ugandan bill.

The interview is courtesy of outtakes from the Current TV’s Vanguard documentary Missionaries of Hate which looked at how this bill came into being. Bahati was interviewed by reporter Mariana van Zeller.

Among other comments, Bahati claims that evangelicals in America have given him private support for his efforts, although he doesn't tell who these folks are.

Bahati also says that he has no compunctions in making family members suffer because of the bill and that Uganda is "leading the way" in this issue.

Don't let anyone fool you. Behind Bahati's self-righteous veneer is pure hatred.

Bahati: “I’m proud. I’m proud to be a part of the cause to defend our family here in Uganda, but also to protect our children. That is very positive to me. The negative is in the way of fighting pressure from all over the world for people who are sometimes not really informed on what is the real issue we are fighting, are people who are just depending on what they hear in the media, and sometimes and most of the time being distortions.

van Zeller: How did you feel when you heard President Obama come out and specifically reject this bill?

Bahati: Fist of all, I have a lot of support for President Obama. He has inspired is, me also, of young people across the world. WE know he stood on the platform of change. But clearly we know that homosexuality is not the change the world is seeking, but the evil the world should confront. At the same time, I thought it was improper for a man who knows African culture, related to African culture, at the same time a man of great faith to use the platform of prayer, to go to the pulpit of God and try to convince the world to embrace sin. I felt a bit low that he could do those things in that fashion. But I will continue to pray for him and continue to love him, but I know that along the line what matter most is the people of Uganda.

van Zeller: Do you think there are other people in America such as Rick Warren who deep inside back this bill, support this bill but are now coming out and rejecting it?

Bahati: The many friends that we have, especially evangelicals in America, when we speak to them privately they do support us. They encourage us, but they are in a society that is very hostile. And we appreciate that and we say do what you think is right for your conscience. But remember at the same time remember we are engaged in a spiritual battle. We are engaged in a very difficult battle and it is important that you come out clearly. But we accept that they are in a bit of a hostile environment because America has… so of the many leaders in America been blackmailed by pro-gay communities. But we have support in America. There are people who support what we are engaged in. Many, many Americans don’t accept homosexuality as a human right, who take it as sin. They know it.

But how we treat these homosexuals is a matter that all of us disagree. There are those who think we should appreciate them, be tolerant of them. But for us we are saying, no we shouldn’t. We should call sin, sin because we cannot relate the Bible.

van Zeller: How powerful do you think this “gay agenda” as you call it, how powerful do you think it is?

Bahati: Well in terms of resources, in terms of propaganda, resource in terms of money, they are very, very, very powerful. And we know that what we are against us a spiritual battle in a way, and we know that our commander is God. So we think at the end of the day, we are more powerful than them. People who believe in heterosexual family, people who believe in God are more in the world than those who don’t believe in God. And so we think they are powerful, they have their resources, they have money, they are using public relations funds to realize, to work with the media to put a negative propaganda around this one, but at the end of the day I think the people of Uganda, the resolve of the people of Uganda has remained very firm and we think that God is using this small bill to shake the foundations of sin around the world. And also we think that God may be using this country, Uganda, to provide leadership in the area of moral issues where actually the world needs it most.

van Zeller: Many people say that the visit of three American Evangelicals to Uganda back in March and the conference that was held here was the main catalyst for this bill.

Bahati: Well, I think that that is in a way to be a bit insulting our country, that you’re suggesting that Ugandans cannot think for themselves. They cannot try to address the issues they are faced with. And it is somehow… refreshes the memories of colonialism, so it is something that is very disturbing.

van Zeller: What would you, what do you think you would do if you found out that one of your relatives is a homosexual?

Bahati: If I knew that my brother and my relative is a homosexual, and the laws of Uganda require that if I know that I should report to police, then I would really respect the law of the country and report him or her to police.

van Zeller: Even if that meant that he would have to spend the rest of his life in prison?

Bahati: Yes, because I know if he was kept around he would be doing something bad to our society.

van Zeller: So you think that other countries would use this bill as an example of something they should follow as well?

Bahati: I think this is in a way providing leadership in the world where it is needed most, especially where the moral values are really decayed. 

Big hat tip to Box Turtle Bulletin, which has been on top of this mess in Uganda since the start.

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