Monday, June 07, 2010

Catholic lesbian: lgbts should be celibate and other Monday midday news briefs

Maggie & Eve: Is celibacy the 'ask' in their shared Eden? - A Catholic lesbian says lgbts should learn to be celibate like her. Repeat after me - SHE MUST BE OUT OF HER COTTONPICKING MIND!

Details Mag - Deliverance: The True Story of a Gay Exorcism - This is just sad.

Better Courts Now: Seeking Judges With a Christian Bias - I miss the good old days when people who did sneaky, underhanded things went about it in a sneaky, underhanded way instead of trumpeting their misdeeds from a mountaintop.

Gay Couples Get Equal Tax Treatment - And what, pray tell, is wrong with this?

Elton John Sings at Rush Limbaugh's 4th Wedding - Sorry, y'all but we lost Elton John around the time of the Eminem incident.

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1 comment:

  1. Maggie has the same argument and fallacy that many anti-gays (and anti-abortionists) have: what she has decided is right for her doesn't give her the right to force it on others.
