Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An interesting and thought-provoking take on lgbt pride

An interesting and thought-provoking video on lgbt pride from the folks at infomania. Watch, learn and feel free to comment.

Only one problem. The part about Eminem totally omitted his tendency to show his ass.

I mean come on now. I'm not saying anything about Eminem's sexual orientation but I've seen his ass more times than those of all five of my boyfriends combined.

Just saying . . .

Past infomania posts:

Elena Kagan 'plays softball like a lesbian'

Conversion Therapy - a video with George Rekers in mind

Advice to closeted politicans - How to keep from being exposed

Why the phrase 'No Homo' is highly needed

Reasons why the 'sanctity' of proms MUST be preserved from Constance McMillen

Why gay marriage is 'wrong'   

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1 comment:

  1. Bill S2:18 AM

    I love Bryan.
    "He's sober now, so he's thinking more clearly,"
