Thursday, June 03, 2010

The poop porn paradigms of the homphobic Martin Ssempa

I got this from Box Turtle Bulletin and I don't know whether to give the site a hat tip or  . . . I just don't know.

I've talked about Ugandan anti-gay bill supporter Martin Ssempa's penchant for showing  "poop videos" in churches in an attempt to demonize the lgbt community and thereby get support for that bill.

But nothing I can say beats the visuals of these two videos.

The first is a talk by Ssempa. No nasty pictures are shown but trust me when I say that his words are astounding in their hatefulness.

Ssempa is like a sideshow performer who drives nails up his nose so as to take delight in shocking his audience. And showing those videos to demonize lgbts is the equivalent of showing interracial (i.e. black men/white women) porn in predominantly white churches to invoke images of "big black bucks."

Bear in mind that Ssempa is or was once a buddy of Rick Warren.

Want to see something stranger? How about the remix of the video (which is a parody of the first video):

The entire thing would be so funny except for two things:

While we laugh, people are taking this mess seriously and they are causing a lot of hell for many innocent people,

and is it just me or does Ssempa know the technique he is describing from those videos a little too well?

I'm not making any conclusions. I am merely pointing out facts.

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  1. I can´t watch or read much more about Martin Ssempa...he´s really a very disgusting man, handsome or not, ready or not, the man is initiating crimes against our brothers and sisters in Uganda...he´ll try/do anything and has already slandered fellow preachers and priests...the man has invented his own version of spewing bile and deceit.

  2. I TOTALLY understand but sometimes there are people so hateful, so nasty that the best thing to do is give them center stage so everyone will know how out of it they are.

  3. I am just about at the end of my rope. For the entire eight years of his administration GW Bush SLASHED Ryan White funding for people with AIDS in the USA in order to increase the amount of funds sent to Africa, presumably to gain prestige. Thanks to Bush and Africa people died on ADAP waiting lists right here in this country. After watching that disgusting video, all I can say is this: if this is the way Africans view Americans, let them do without all our money. Let's see how they like that. I am done.

  4. Now Scott, not all Africans feel that way. We just need to continue to educate folks on the ignorance of those who do.

  5. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Ssempa has some scatological issues. He's so hung up on eating de poo poo that it's almost as though he gives good old fashioned cock sucking a pass.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Methinks that Ssempa doth protest too much. I hope these videos bring on that demagogue all the ridicule that he deserves.
