Friday, July 09, 2010

Anita Bryant returns to plague us again and other Friday midday news briefs

Anita Bryant returns to the 'culture wars' - Judging from the company she is keeping at the event in question, it will be like she never left.

Obama US Attorney expected to stand behind federal gay marriage ban, plaintiffs say - DON'T YOU DARE, PRESIDENT OBAMA!

Welcome to the Andrea Lafferty offense boat, entire state of Massachusetts! - And where would the religious right be without an offensive comment on yesterday's anti-DOMA ruling by Andrea Lafferty and the Traditional Values Coalition?

NOM Is Furious — Just Furious! - And of course the National Organization for Marriage is extremely upset over the ruling. It's been a good day ;p

The Palm Center releases the DADT surveySome of these questions are interesting, to say the least.

Woodstock benefit for lesbian teen raises $30K - And Constance McMillen continues to kick ass. Way to go, girlfriend!

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1 comment:

  1. from my reading on various sites, it seems that we should actually WANT the DOJ to appeal, otherwise the ruling only applies narrowly, ie just to Mass. Can you investigate/confirm?
