Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Anti-gay principal retires, remains ignorant as dirt

In my home state of South Carolina, Irmo High School principal Eddie Walker retired as of last week.

Two years ago, Walker created an ugly controversy when he threatened to resign when the school board told him that he would have to allow gay/straight alliance at Irmo High School.

Walker claimed that the club was about sex and he felt students would be harmed because of it.

After a huge ado, the club was started, but the school board established a sort of opt-in policy so that parents could have a say about what clubs their children could - or in this case - couldn't join.

Walker, by the way, changed his mind about resigning. I hear it was for "economic reasons."

Early this morning (we are talking between five and seven a.m.), he had an interview with WIS-TV where he supposedly "spoke for the first time" about the controversy.

At least that's what was hyped. What was also hyped was a "personal confession" by Walker.

The interview was crap, though not through the fault of the interviewer. There is only so much one can do with a less than a two-minute interview. No probing questions were asked -only a soliloquy of Walker repeating the same nonsense he voiced two years ago.

About how he loved the students. About how he felt the club was about sex and it would damage children. About his claim to have a "Biblical perspective."

Walker also said he felt that people choose to be gay. And the "personal confession?" Walker said he had a gay uncle and the "lifestyle" damaged him.

And let's not forget the prerequisite statement of homophobes - so that you don't think that they are homophobes - he "loves homosexuals."

All and all the interview added up to a minute and a half of my life which should have been spent in bed.

Never in my life have I seen such an ignorant, oblivious individual who seems to have learned nothing after two years.

At the time of the controversy, I said that Walker exacerbated the controversy by automatically branding the organization a "sex club" without actually talking to the students who wanted to start the organization.

I had hoped that since that time, he would have taken it upon himself to learn more about the importance of gay/straight alliances.

Sadly I was mistaken.

Unfortunately Walker seems to be indicative of so many claiming to have a "Biblical worldview" i.e. using religion to justify fear, ignorance, and being bullheaded.

It's really not anything to be proud of, especially when you are in a position like Walker was.

No matter how he and others who support try to sugarcoat his career, the legacy of Eddie Walker will be because of his personal beliefs, he turned his back on children who need him most, i.e. lgbt students who generally have no support system, who sometimes get picked on and beaten up for simply being as God made them, who can't come out to their parents for fear of being disowned and thrown out of their homes.

Walker was the one person whom they could have turned to for some support, but apparently he was too busy listening for the voice of God.

It's generally what happens when you are so busy trying to listen to the voice of God. You neglect the cries of His children.

Related posts:

Principal in MY state gets it right and wrong

Day Two of the Irmo GSA controversy finds that ignorance abounds

News from Irmo: School Board postpones decision regarding GSA

Grandstanding Principal Wants To Return

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  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Always a pleasure to read your insights. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "Walker also said he felt that people choose to be gay. And the "personal confession?" Walker said he had a gay uncle and the "lifestyle" damaged him."

    No, Mr. Walker someone doesn't choose their sexual orientation. Perhaps you should ask your uncle, if he is still alive, or ask others.

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    "The interview was crap, though not through the fault of the interviewer. There is only so much one can do with a less than a two-minute interview. No probing questions were asked -only a soliloquy of Walker repeating the same nonsense he voiced two years ago."

    I think you are being far too generous and kind to the reporter here.

    What WAS the fault of the reporter was that she barely mentioned the fact that this jerk tried to violate the GSA members' rights under federal law. She barely mentioned it and couldn't be bothered to look up the Equal Access Act or ask any GSA supporters for comments. How much do you want to bet if she were interviewing an LGBT activist that she'd think it necessary to also include some homophobic blowhard for "balance"?
