Saturday, July 17, 2010

If there are no racists in the tea party movement, then please explain the 'Abraham Lincoln letter'

This isn't necessarily an lgbt issue per se, but as an African-American, I feel that I need to say something:

If the tea party movement isn't racist, then at the very least, it's not necessarily bright.

And nothing displays the movement's stupidity more than its ongoing dust up with the NAACP over the civil rights group's resolution asking that the organization condemn racism in its midst.

Now rather than admitting that there are racist elements in the tea party movement and agreeing that there is no place for that sort of thing - which tea partiers have done in the past - the movement got loud and defensive, hoping that screaming charges of "reverse racism" and pulling out assorted big names like Sarah Palin and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, and yanking the few assorted black tea party members to knock down the charges would make people forget the nasty anti-black and anti-Obama images and words they have seen and heard over the past year.

Guys, people are not stupid.

There are racist elements to the tea party movement and many of them are in leadership positions. So please stop with the phony whine about how "America is sick of phony racial accusations." Sarah Palin can't help you, Michael Steele can't help you.

Not even Fox News can help you.

But if you want to help yourself in proving that there are no racist elements in tea party movement, please justify the "Abraham Lincoln letter" written by the leader of the Tea Party Express, Mark Williams.  A letter which no one in your movement has denounced:

Dear Mr. Lincoln:

We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!

In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the 'tea party movement'.

The tea party position to "end the bailouts" for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn't that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.

And the ridiculous idea of "reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government." What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions!

The racist tea parties also demand that the government "stop the out of control spending." Again, they directly target coloreds. That means we Coloreds would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.

Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government "stop raising our taxes." That is outrageous! How will we coloreds ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.

Precious Ben Jealous, Tom's Nephew NAACP Head Colored Person

The following is Keith Olbermann laying it down on Williams:

Speaking of Mark Williams, here is something else he has said that you need to denounce. If you don't denounce it, I would suggest that you get your white sheets fitted. And yes, I do mean the African-American tea partiers too:

But here is the interesting thing - I doubt anyone in the tea party movement will denounce Williams. They can't because it would prove that the NAACP was right.

Catch 22s are always fun to watch when the right people are trapped in them.

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  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    There are racists and bigots to be found everywhere and in every political party and organization. I agree with the root them out and put them out of the party no matter who's it is. I also think that the NAACP needs to look inside it's own house and do some clearing out before it starts making noise.

  2. Your offhand admittance of racism in the tea party movement is more than what the leaders are doing. They are saying that there are NONE there. And I would like to see you list some examples racism in the NAACP before you make such a blanket statement.

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    It is satire. Not to be taken seriously, it is meant to mock the liberal agenda. Money is power is an old but true quote. If the government takes away too much of your money they take away all of your power.

  4. I think this video is helpful.

    I have my issues with the tea party but I don't think calling them racist is going to facilitate political discussion. It may make your blog popular though and score a few political points for the politicians who do this.

  5. Sorry but I've seen satire. And that wasn't satire. It was vile and it's sad that some folks (few in number) are actually trying to explain it away.

  6. Hey George, thank you for the video. It more than proves my point that racist elements exist in the tea party movement. Despite the claim by the video's producer, there is no proof that this man was a Democratic shill. HOWEVER, it does prove that racist elements are attracted to the tea party message, which does contradict claims by Sarah Palin and others that there is no racism in the tea party movement.

    You facilitate political discussion by pointing out truth, not distracting folks, which - if you pardon me for saying so - I think was your unsuccessful aim at linking to the video.

  7. The teabagger "movement" is an Astroturf corporate scam. The lobbyists and PR people regularly ramp up racism among its sheeple in order to further their objectives. That's what's happening here.

  8. i hate raceist ppl
    so muchhh

  9. Well, just more proof that the Tea Party is nothing more than old, bigoted idiots.

  10. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Conservatives have a problem with satire. Satire is meant to amplify and parody the stereotype of OTHERS. Conservatives seem to think satire lets them amplify the ugly stereotype of themselves. Then they think the word "satire" gives them cover to be that ugly stereotype.

  11. Sure, there are racists in the tea party movement. There are racists who hold the same libertarian political views that I do. But neither the tea party or the libertarian movement are about racism or have much to do with race (except, in the tea parties case, the issue of immigration). In the case of immigration people are looking for someone to blame for the bad economy. They don't want to blame a failed war (ironically for the tea party) so instead they'll blame ANYTHING foreign. Though I like that the tea party wants to reduce the size and scope of government I hate the somewhat racist elements involved in scoffing illegal immigration and anything foreign due to the business cycle.

  12. Jason5:49 PM

    First, the comment that if I listen to what he is saying and agree with it, then I should go get my white sheets ready is ridiculous. Most of what he is saying is true; he just has a really poor way of doing it. The whole comment about Obama being a "racist-in-chief" is baseless and I think most of us agree on that. As for racism in the NAACP, my wife joined the NAACP to try volunteer her time when she was in school. Everyone there treated he like a second class citizen. You know why? My wife does not speak ebonics and evidentally at the ground level of the NAACP that is frowned upon. And yes that letter is a satire. He is trying to point out that politicians are enslaving minorities: economically and institutionally.

  13. Well Jason, I don't know what happened with your wife but I sincerely hope she didn't enter into the situation with your mindset about ebonics and your superior attitude in regards to us "minorities." If she did, then I guess that explains the treatment she allegedly received.

    One more thing - it's obvious from the embarrassment he caused himself and the tea party movement that Mr. Williams sucks at satire.

  14. Jason7:26 PM

    Yeah ... he definitely sucks at satire. I don't have a superior attitude and she is black (we don't like the whole PC African-American thing.... You don't see me describing myself as a French-American do you?)so I don't know what you mean by "us minorities". She didn't go in with a superior attitude. She is a shy pastor's daughter and isn't really good in new situations. She put herself out there to help and she felt like she was shot down because she didn't speak ebonics. That's all. You saying the whole superior attitude thing just makes me feel like you're pulling the "race card". Who cares if you're black? And for that matter, who cares if you speak ebonics? I was just trying to give an example of the NAACP not being "perfect".

  15. Well if you don't have a superior attitude, you certainly gave the implication that you do.

    You accuse me of "pulling the race card" when you were the one who started the thing about "Ebonics." I personally found that insulting. I don't know the story with your wife but I do know that you painted the NAACP and the African-American community with a broad and stupid brush. All of us don't speak Ebonics and many of us aren't even aware of what it is nor do we care.

    I personally am fully aware of the OLD controversy involving Ebonics. I personally think it's stupid but then again, it's no different than dialects found in other parts of the country like say the Gullah or Appallachian communities.

    And by the way, there is nothing wrong with using the words African-Americans any more than there is anything wrong with celebrating St. Patrick's Day. In this country, we are from many different cultures but unfortunately some people tend to think that we should homogenize ourselves into some big bland conglomeracy. It merely shows that folks are afraid to respect and value the differences in each other.

  16. Jason7:57 PM

    I was just saying the African-American thing so you didn't get offended cause I said she was black. I, personally, think it is odd that you identify yourself a an African-American before you identify yourself as American. I think it enables and promotes racism. (I also think Hate Crime Laws enable racism too) I do however understand your aversion to be a part of the "big conglomeracy". Look, I'm sorry. You obviously want to get offended over this where no offense was intended. Yes, I realize that ebonics is a dialect. I have plenty of friends and family that speak it. Yes, I did bring up ebonics but didn't realize that had anything to do with the "race card". Heck I don't even know if the people who were being mean to her were black, white or whatever. You kind of jumped to conclusions on that one. I was just trying to show a specific incident as an example. I thought you would be upset that people who were part of NAACP treated her poorly cause she was speaking differently. Evidentally, I was wrong. Have a good day.

    P.S. Love your screen name

  17. 1. If you don't make yourself clear when you talk about things, you can't accuse people of jumping to conclusions.

    2. I can't be angry at the NAACP when I don't know the entire situation.

    3. There is nothing wrong with an acknowledgment of your full heritage. Again, I like my African ancestry and my American ancestry. I see nothing wrong with acknowledging both. What enables racism is fear and ignorance. It used be that people looked down on other folks because of their differences. You seem to be demonstrating the implication of "if I don't see your difference, I don't have to acknowledge it therefore I can treat you human."

  18. Jason8:43 PM

    I did make myself clear. My wife went to volunteer at the NAACP. When she was there, she was discriminated against because she didn't speak the same dialect as the other members present. (In this case ebonics) That seems pretty clear to me.

    I don't want you to be angry. Sorry I used the word upset. How about concerned?

    About the "if I don't see your difference, I don't have to acknowledge it therefore I can treat you human" thing, why do I have to see your difference? What does it matter? People are first and foremost ... people and should be treated accordingly. I can acknowledge that your black but so what? I don't understand why I have to acknowledge or know anything about anyone in order to treat them with respect and dignity that they deserve. You seem pretty smart maybe you could help me understand your point. ( I know that sounds kind of like a smart ass but I just couldn't think of a way of wording it without sounding like a dick sorry)
    yeah I know I said have a good day but I just couldn't resist coming back. But, you should still have a good day regardless.

  19. Jason, I am not aware of any NAACP branch that speaks an Ebonics dialect, at least not down here in SC. But if your wife encounter those problems, then I am sorry that she did.

    Lastly, if you want to treat people with respect, then you should respect the things they hold dear whether it be culture or anything else. Personally I think we limit ourselves when we don't take advantage of learning about the different cultures which make up this country. There is so much to enjoy.
