Friday, July 02, 2010

Lindsey Graham - 'I ain't gay.' Alvin McEwen: 'Thank God.'

SC Senator Lindsey Graham has addressed rumors that he is gay during an interview with The New York Times:

Senator Lindsey Graham addressed rumors about being a homosexual in an interview with the New York Times.

According to the Times, Graham reportedly smirked and said: "I know it's really gonna upset a lot of gay men." "I'm sure hundreds of ‘em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge - but I ain't available. I ain't gay. Sorry."

I'm going to overlook that ridiculous San Francisco reference. Don't get me wrong. Rumors have been dogging Graham since before he came a senator. Being a resident of South Carolina and an out (and highly pseudo prominent member of the SC's lgbt community), I have been privy to some juicy rumors - and not just about Graham.

And if it ever turned out that Graham was gay, I would be the first to talk about it, comment on it, joke about it, exploit it for my own literary purposes, etc. 

But come on. Or better yet - and allow me to apologize for those who will get offended - eewwww.

Even if he were gay, I wouldn't date him. And I'm the one with an Evita Peron fascination.

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  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Does anyone really care anymore? The rumors about Graham's sexuality have been around since the beginning of time. Alvin, now about those other rumors that have been floating around. I can only imagine.

  2. I totally agree, anonymous lol
