Thursday, July 15, 2010

National Organization for Marriage tries to cover up ugly comments with pitiful lies

My post from last night on the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) was published in the Huffington Post and apparently NOM is not happy about it.

The post dealt with an administrator on NOM's Facebook page making the claim that gays weren't hunted down and murdered like "Jews, Christians, and Blacks."

Today, NOM answered back:

“The Huffington Post on Wednesday falsely attributed statements to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) about discrimination faced by gays and lesbians. The statements were apparently posted by an unnamed “administrator” of the “Protect Marriage: 1 Man 1 Woman” Facebook account. Huffington Post falsely claims that this is NOM’s Facebook page. The Facebook account on which these statements were reportedly made is not NOM’s Facebook page and neither NOM nor anyone representing NOM made these statements. The Facebook account in question is operated by a private party and NOM does not control what is allowed to be posted on the account, a fact that could have been easily known to Huffington Post had they reached out to NOM to verify the report.”

But NOM's explanation is seriously misleading.

As this link courtesy of Box Turtle Bulletin and Goodasyou proves, the page "Protect Marriage: 1 Man 1 Woman" is associated with NOM. From its Twitter page, NOM is pushing the page as its own.

Furthermore,  Louis J. Marinelli - self identified "NOM strategist" is the general manager of the page.

And one more thing about Marinelli - he is not only participating in NOM's "Summer for Marriage" Tour, but he is also (wait for it) driving the RV that NOM is using in the tour. We know this because he is so generously giving everyone updates on how the "tour" is going.

So the question here is who are you going to believe? The National Organization for Marriage or your own eyes?

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1 comment:

  1. You know, Idiot Lou STILL hasn't called my bluff on the Twitter thing. Guess the fact that I'm more than willing to answer his challenge if he just answers mine scared him away.

    For those unaware; I had a Twitter Exchange with Lou in which I asked him to tell me exactly how my marriage would cause him or society any harm. In his typical sleazy chickenshit fashion, he weaselled out of it by saying he didn't have to answer me because I'm not married so discussing my "marriage", (his quotes, not mine), would be "antithetical". (My quotes there).

    I showed him my Canadian marriage liscense. He dismissed it as an invalid piece of paper that doesn't count and basically pulled a LaLaLa I can't HEEEEAR YOUUUUU! style tantrum. So I blogged about the incident, linking to his two most offensively stupid dismissive tweets at me and pointing out how his refusal to find the balls to face my honest questions proved his bigotry and hypocrisy. Somehow believing that those two tweets alone misrepresent his hate as, well, hate, he dared me to post the entire Twitter exchange on my blog so people could see who the real bigot was. So I called his bluff and said if he answers my question, "Give me ONE single valid logical reason NOT based on religious opinion why Gay Marriage would cause society any real har,", I would happily post every single tweet we exchanged in order unedited.

    Louis never Tweeted at me or acknowledged my existance ever again. The only possible conclusion I can draw from this is that he A) knows he can't answer my question honestly without shooting himself in the foot and B) He knows that if I posted the whole exchange from Twitter it would STILL show him to be a hateful dismissive bully and would NOT be in his favour.

    If it's okay with Alvin to link to it, the blog entry I wrote about the Twitter exchange is HERE.
