Monday, August 23, 2010

Is Jennifer Keeton being left out in the cold by her anti-gay allies?

It may be too early for such speculation, but I find it interesting that it's been a couple of days since Jennifer Keeton lost her lawsuit against Augusta State University and not one religious right talking head has commented on it.

Keeton, a graduate student, sued the university because, as she put it, it would have forced her to compromise her "Christian beliefs" on homosexuality.

It really came down to the fact that Keeton didn't want to read material on counseling gays nor did she want to counsel gays period.

The courts ruled against her on Friday.

Seeing that it's Monday, I would have thought to hear at least the usual slate of anti-gay lies from our friend Peter LaBarbera, but he seems to be on an Elizabeth Hasselbeck/Ann Coulter kick.

One News Now has been silent about the Keeton case. And there isn't even a statement from her lawyers at the right-wing Alliance Defense Fund.

Before the case went to court, we were bombarded with lies about how Keeton was unfairly targeted, how she was forced to choose between her Christian beliefs and her degree.

Now that the courts ruled against her, all we are hearing are the crickets.

Maybe the folks are in shock over the loss. Or could it be that they have deserted Keeton because they recognize just how ridiculous her case was (and they wouldn't be alone in this regard because Keeton neither offered witnesses nor testified.)

Only time will tell. 

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  1. Why would anyone comment?

    There was no testimony from anyone on their side, not even the plaintiff.

    Case closed.

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Poor thing. She had her little homophobic blowout just after the anti-gay fundraising bubble collapsed.

    Too bad she wasn't smart enough to announce she wouldn't counsel Muslims. Now THAT would have gotten her some support

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    One has to wonder if the ADF even intends to win these cases...

    Whether you're talking about Jennifer Keeton, Julea Ward, or Prop 8, the ADF seems much more interested in trying these cases in the media than preparing for an actual courtroom trial.

    It could be that the ADF has come to realise that creating and then losing a high profile case ("We're losing the war, send more money!") generates more donations than discretely taking on legitimate cases and winning.

    Though it calls itself a not-for-profit organization, it also claims to have over 1,800 member attorneys who need your "generous financial support."

    Over 1,800 lawyers and not a one of them could come up with a single shred of evidence or testimony to support Keeton's case?! Where do I send the check to generously finance such gross incompetence, lol.

    All else aside, it seems to be a serious conflict of interest when your "defense" team stands to profit more from publicly throwing you under the bus than from representing you to the best of their ability...

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    It was only a matter of time... (sigh)

  5. I saw that. I also saw that the "article" omitted that she didn't testify nor call witnesses. anything for the narrative.
