Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Report inside Porno Pete's 'Truth Academy' and other Thursday midday news briefs

The AFTAH Anti-Gay-Rights Academy: From the Perspective of Two Who Attended, Day 1 of 3 - Nothing I can say will prepare you for what you are about to read. A blogger, the Friendly Atheist, had two people secretly infiltrate Peter LaBarbera's anti-gay "Truth Academy. What they report is just . . . a big ole bowl of hot funky anti-gay mess. All of that zaniness in one place and lightning didn't strike? It's a miracle.

Video: Maggie. Again. Yes, again. I know, I know -- and I'm sorry. But she's relevant. So deal. - Maggie Gallagher continues to be sad over the Prop 8 decision . . . GOOD!

Washington Post reports: "Gay and lesbian gangs" add to fights, theft at Verizon Center, Metro mayhem - I'm interested to see how the religious right will spin this one.

Camenker and MassResistance Push Scott Lively For Governor - Why not? Massachusetts needs that lovely anti-gay push that Lively gave Uganda. (that was sarcasm, folks)

House wingnuts offer resolution condemning Prop 8 ruling - but they're not bigots - Of course not. They are just a bunch of @#*^!@. Whew, that was nice. I need a cigarette.

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1 comment:

  1. "MassResistance." Am I the only one who flashed on "Massive Resistance." Or am I just getting too damn old?
