Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Eddie Long accuser speaks out and other Thursday midday news briefs

Another accuser of Eddie Long speaks out:

In other news:

Obama Speaks About His Faith, Gets Accued of Being An Ignorant, Lying "Limousine Marxist Hypocrite" - Because you know these folks, who frequently bear false witness against the lgbt community, are the "true Christians."

TWO Deeply Saddened By Three Gay Teen September Suicides Resulting From School Bullying - What the hell is going on here?

MI Attorney General: Fire anti-gay cyber-bully Andrew Shirvell - I don't get this. Everyone knows that Andrew Shrivell is harassing and stalking Chris Armstrong, the college student. I guess Attorney General Mike Cox will be spurred to do something if Armstrong harms himself. I hope it doesn't get to that point.

Immigration Bill to Include LGBTs - It's about time.

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  1. i wrote mike cox and asked him if he would fight hate crime enhancement if shirvell did something terrible to the kid. no reply. his office hasn't replied to anything i have sent them. i signed that petition, something i never do. oddly enough i got an email from fred upton the senator and i haven't sent him anything. maybe it was in response to the petition.

    i had a fleeting thought that shirvell might be part of a gay cabal in the right wing nuttery thst is trying to bring them down from within. but, i have come to the conclusion that he is just crazy, gay and abusing his position to further his cause.

  2. i am so sick of this religious nonsense against obama. these people are hate mongers plain and simple.

  3. cox refuses to fire shirvell:

    this is part of the anti gay agenda. they want a test case.
