Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Delaware GOP Senate nominee supports 'ex-gay' ministries and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Delaware GOP Senate Nominee A Staunch Supporter Of Ex-Gay Ministries - More proof that if Christine O'Donnell becomes a senator, lgbts are in for a world of trouble.

FRC's continued attempts to drag down Reid - My gosh, can the Family Research Council get any more tasteless?

A very good night for LGBT candidates - Something for under the radar but that's okay. Take it from me, you can get a LOT done while under the radar.

Focus on the Family: Legally Married Couples Do Not Count As "Families - And yet they whine about being called "bigots."

New study on LGBTQ students in school - I don't mean to end the news briefs on this sad note but it's an important issue.

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  1. O'Donnell doesn't stand a chance. Moderate Republicans will vote Democratic over that wingnut.
