Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't let your anger rule your mind on Nov. 2

I know that there are a lot of folks angry at the Democrats and President Obama right now. And I know some of you are planning to show your anger by sitting out of the Nov. 2 midterm election.

But don't be stupid. No matter how angry Obama and the Democrats got you, there are some people out there just waiting to do worse.

Sure you feel angry and betrayed, but it helps to realize that politics is game. It's an unfortunate game we must play to get what we need and it's the only game in town.

And when there is only one game in town, you have only two options:

1. act all huffy and puffy when things don't go your way

2. or be patient and learn to master it.

Our problem is dual. The opposition has learned the second point while we are stuck on the first.

Better yet the following video by the Victory Fund illustrates the point much better than I can:

Win or lose my friends. There is NO third option.

Hat tip to Rod2.0Beta

Related post:

Gay rights groups continue to miss the real enemy

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1 comment:

  1. with having a 24/7 television station bashing obama since election night and calling for his impeachment the day after the election along with the right wing nut jobs on the radio constantly bashing every little thing the man does, i have no patience for those on the left who expect him to solve and fix everything over night.

    good grief, they haven't given the man a moments peace and the republicans have done nothing but try to block legislation with their endless no's and giving tactic approval to the birthers and the he's a muslim people

    these people think a witch hunter is an acceptable relgious adviser. as far as i am concerned there isn't a one of them fit for public office. sick of them and sick of their lies and name calling.
