Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eddie Long scandal now includes pictures

This situation with Eddie Long has just gotten more interesting, including pictures:

New details and scandalous pictures have emerged on the internet showing the once prominently viewed Pastor and Bishop Eddie Long who’s known from growing the church from 150 members when he was appointed as Pastor in 1987 to now close to 30,000 members, in a controversial position.

As previously reported on, Bishop Eddie Long, Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta (Lithonia, GA), is accused of sexually abusing some of his young male followers who were teens at the time that the incident(s) allegedly took place.

Earlier this week, the three men who are now in their 20’s filed separate lawsuits against Eddie Long, a married man and father of four. The latest alleged victim filed a lawsuit against Long, the church as well as Longfellows Youth Academy Inc.

On Thursday, pictures hit the Internet like a whirlwind and no one knows how the photos surfaced which show the Bishop wearing spandex and workout clothes which is stated to have been sent to an accuser in November of 2008. According to attorney B.J. Bernstei who is representing the three men suing Eddie Long, they received dozens of emails from Long, but they are not overly sexual.

The same day, Eddie Long was expected to make an appearance on the Tom Joyner Show following the sex abuse accusations (Thursday morning), but he canceled his appearance which seemed to have occurred after the photos were leaked. Long’s attorney Craig Gillen instead took his place and spoke on behalf of his client stating that the young men were taken on trips as part of a mentoring program.

One of the young men is accused of breaking into the Pastor’s office.

The young men accused Bishop of Eddie Long of offering them gifts, money, luxury hotel rooms and more to lure them for sexual favors.

Meanwhile, Bishop Eddie Long states that he would like to respond to the allegations which he states are false, but he is following the advice of his attorney and expects to address the sexual allegations against him on Sunday at his church during service.…

Where he no doubt will receive a standing ovation. Between you and me, I would like to here more details about these pictures. They are definitely causing discussion but they are no smoking gun.

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1 comment:

  1. gee willikers, i always send pictures of myself trying to look all hot and sexy to my spiritual buddies.

    his suits make him look fat. when i first saw those pictures elsewhere i didn't even realize it was him.

    stick a fork in him, he's done.
