Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Florida gay adoption ban gets another kick in the tush and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Florida's gay adoption ban ruled unconstitutional - AND it was unanimous too. A huge victory which should not be obscured by yesterday's defeat.

Dan Savage Creates YouTube Channel to Help Gay Teens - I've given Dan Savage hell via conversation for some of the things he has done and said. But in this case, he needs to acknowledged for this positive thing.

Archbishop: Anti-Gay Marriage DVD Will be Mailed to All MN Catholics - This is NOT good. Over 800,000 people will receive this mess. Careful Catholic Church. You can't handle the pedophilia problem in your ranks but you break your backs in pushing against the marriage of consenting adults who love one another. Kismet will come back on you.

Saxby Chambliss investigating whether staffer left gay slur
- You know the story. Have at it.

Fischer: "Homosexuals Are Defined By One Characteristic Only: They Want to Use the Anal Cavity for Sex" - A perfect example of why it's difficult for lgbts to get what we need. We can be verbally insulted all day long and no one seems to care. If Fischer had said half of things to any other group that he has said about us, all hell would have broken loose.

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1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful news. And while I'm not a huge fan of Governor Crist, it's good to see that his views on social issues seem to be moderating. Maybe the fact that he's no longer beholden to the GOP has enabled him to express his actual views.
