Friday, October 01, 2010

Homophobic assistant AG takes leave of absence, Open season on lgbt youth?, and other Friday midday news briefs

Assistant AG takes leave of absence after national attention over blog against U-M student body president - A small degree of sanity reigns.

Johnson & Wales Student Commits Suicide - My God. Another life taken.

'It's really tough being different,' says supporter of site aimed at treating gays differently - If this doesn't get your blood boiling, nothing will. And for clarification's sake, studies say that lgbt youth are more likely to engage negative behaviors (i.e. suicide, drug and alchohol abuse) when they have to deal with a homophobic culture.

Peter LaBarbera Clarifies Why He Pulled His Post on NOM - An irrelevant homophobic loser spins another lie.

Parade Commodore to 14-year-old Girl: “Go To A Country Where They Hang People Like You - Apparently it's open season on lgbt children and their allies.

URI student faces charges - What are these losers scared of?

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  1. they printed my letter against shirvell today. i love it when they try to shame in the replies. it ought to be a hoot later on today as they just pout the paper on the web and they have to go through a moderator. here is the link.

  2. shirvell is exactly like sarah palin's witch hunter. that is the mentality of these people.

  3. they cannot do anything to remove shirvell from his position while he is on leave.

  4. shirvell talks about the gay agenda. here is my copy of it. feel free to pass it along as i had to write it since the whole damn thing is a myth.


    get a gay guy an emmy for playing straight

    get a gay woman an emmy for playing straight

    get a straight guy an emmy for playing gay

    get a gay guy an emmy for playing sheldon the funniest character on television

    get fred the movie on television

    get anderson cooper to interview a raging closet case homophobe and draw national outrage


  5. i have been back and forth with a guy who writes for some michigan paper i never heard of over his assertion that lefties should be supportive because this is political speech. i pointed out to him that there is nothing political about it except for shirvell saying it was political and that a vendetta using slander and libel along with stalking was not protected speech.

    this man thinks shirvell's job is protected. it ain't.

    i sent mike cox an email and asked him if he had actually read the blog and since when did slander and libel become protected free speech. i would like to think that it was after that he took a gander at that lie filled hate fest that he started to change his tune as i did send it in the middle of the night the day before his change in position.

    i was surprised to get support for my letter to the editor from people who usually bash me for my opinions.
