African 'Rolling Stone' Impostor Spreads Hate Agenda - Rolling Stone magazine strikes against homophobia in Uganda and a bad mark on its good name.
Poll: churches to blame for suicides of LGBT youth - Supposed people of God, there IS a problem here. You can either deny or do something to combat like good Christians would do.
NOM/FRC/IFF sure have a funny way of honoring Spirit Day - The "puke" bus runs along. That's right, I said it.
Gay student teacher gets Oregon job back- This is what happens when the community steps up.
Janet Porter Prays For Control Of the Government - Again? You just can't stop the crazy in Janey.
Hey Alvin, off-topic but thought you might like some good news to brighten your day.
HEY! Congratulations. Glad to read that things worked out well for you.