Thursday, November 11, 2010

Porno Pete LaBarbera goes too far with attack on gay blogger

Anyone who reads this blog know that I don't particularly care for anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera. I consider him to be a homophobic hypocrite who, while using the Bible to explain his hatred of the lgbt community, stoops to the lowest levels to disrespect us.

I happen to know that he despises the name of "Porno Pete," a monicker given to him by us for his penchant of going to subcultural leather events, taking pictures, and providing commentary.

Any other time, a person like that would be considered gay, but since Peter is a so-called pro-family activist, calling him "Porno Pete" is giving him the benefit of the doubt

And to top it all off, he is constantly complaining how we are "intolerant" of him and pick on him because of his supposed Christian opposition to homosexuality.

No, Peter, we get mad when you do stuff like this:

The persons in this picture is's Jeremy Hooper and his partner celebrating their wedding. But Peter took it and vandalized it to publicize his group's ridiculous upcoming banquet.

Was it really necessary for him to do this?

His actions are the equivalent of spraypainting the word "faggot" over a poster advertising an lgbt oriented event.  To me, it is the same thing because a message is being sent to lgbts : "How dare you think that you are normal and are deserving of happiness. How dare you don't keep things to yourself and slink back into your closets. How dare you don't define yourself by my standards. Don't you know my heterosexuality makes me better than you."

And it's not the first time that Peter has done something like this. He has taken photos of a transgender friend of mine, Autumn Sandeen, and used them to demonize her and the entire transgender community.

Three years ago, he exploited a webpage tribute to a deceased gay man, Russell Goff, to again attack the lgbt community.

But believe it or not, as I have said before, Peter is our biggest asset in this so-called culture war. Unlike many of his comrades, he doesn't hide behind the "love the sinner but hate the sin" lie of homophobia.

He trots his hate and absolute disregard of us out in public for the world to see and note the hypocrisy of his position.

Peter doesn't see us as people capable of love and values and any type of basic human decency. He sees us as things totally undeserving of simple respect.

Of course other people  would venture to say that he sees us as a mirror. I'm not one of those people, but if this is the case, it's not our fault that he doesn't like what he sees.

That's between him and God.

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1 comment:

  1. ColdCountry4:16 PM

    What a sad, pathetic person Pete is. (He might as well resort to sticking his tongue out at people at this point.) But that kind of personal attack is really too much. I commend Jeremy for not lashing out at him in return, which is maybe what Pete's looking for. I dunno, but since Jeremy won't say it, I will. Pete LaBarbera is a low-life, scum-sucking, bottom-feeding piece of white trash. And he's ugly, too.
