Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why the National Organization for Marriage was profiled for its anti-gay hatred

This is actually a repost of two pieces I wrote in July detailing a very short feud between me and the National Organization for Marriage.

It is very relevant to right now seeing that the National Organization for Marriage is not happy after being profiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center for it's anti-gay bile. Of course the organization claims that it is being unfairly labeled as "bigoted" simply because it is "standing up for traditional marriage." However, this post proves otherwise:

From July 2010:

What's up with the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)?

Not too many people are noticing this, but that organization, started to supposedly "protect marriage" from us so-called evil LGBTs, seems to be going off the deep end in terms of rhetoric.

When it began, NOM cleverly played up the "we are unfairly being called bigots because we simply want to protect marriage" meme. And that was because of the savvy of its founder, Maggie Gallagher.

But now with Gallagher handing the reins of the group to Brian Brown, the organization has abandoned all pretenses of martyrdom and is headed straight for crazy-talk territory.

This was evident when it joined forces in its "Summer for Marriage" tour with one Louis J. Marinelli III, a man who not only cites the discredited work of Paul Cameron, but is also very vocal in the belief that gays want to cause all sorts of mischief from molesting children to creating polygamous relationships.

And if that's not bad enough, from an administrator of NOM's Facebook page comes this little "gem:"

(Gays and lesbians) are not being repressed, discriminated against. There is no and never has ever been a homosexual man hunt for them. Jews, Christians, and Blacks were hunted down and murdered. Homosexuals have nothing in common with the three.

Now I could go into a history of the persecution of the LGBT community in places like Nazi Germany or talk about Sakia Gunn, Michael Sandy, or even Matthew Shepard (whose murder was not soley about a robbery no matter what the right says), or the countless number of LGBTs who have lost their lives due to hate but what's the point?

Sometimes people say things so wildly inaccurate that any comment you want to make is unnecessary. The statement by NOM is beyond the pale and it further proves what many LGBTs know about that group. NOM is not interested in defending marriage. It's only interested in bashing LGBTs, but not by physical attacks.

NOM seeks to psychologically bash us.

First the organization tells us that we are not worthy of marriage; that we have no ability to love and raise children; that we are undeserving of anything except for what folks like them feel that they want to give us.
And now with that statement, NOM seeks to rewrite history in a way that eliminates our past struggles for equality in the same manner that the group is also trying to eliminate our potential future happiness.

I think a question by web site Box Turtle Bulletin about the statement on NOM's facebook page says it all:

Are they completely delusional?

Sadly, I think the answer is yes.

Hat tip to Box Turtle Bulletin

UPDATE: My post from last night on the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) was published in the Huffington Post and apparently NOM is not happy about it.

The post dealt with an administrator on NOM's Facebook page making the claim that gays weren't hunted down and murdered like "Jews, Christians, and Blacks."

Today, NOM answered back:

“The Huffington Post on Wednesday falsely attributed statements to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) about discrimination faced by gays and lesbians. The statements were apparently posted by an unnamed “administrator” of the “Protect Marriage: 1 Man 1 Woman” Facebook account. Huffington Post falsely claims that this is NOM’s Facebook page. The Facebook account on which these statements were reportedly made is not NOM’s Facebook page and neither NOM nor anyone representing NOM made these statements. The Facebook account in question is operated by a private party and NOM does not control what is allowed to be posted on the account, a fact that could have been easily known to Huffington Post had they reached out to NOM to verify the report.”

But NOM's explanation is seriously misleading.

As this link courtesy of Box Turtle Bulletin and Goodasyou proves, the page "Protect Marriage: 1 Man 1 Woman" is associated with NOM. From its Twitter page, NOM is pushing the page as its own.

Furthermore,  Louis J. Marinelli - self identified "NOM strategist" is the general manager of the page.

And one more thing about Marinelli - he is not only participating in NOM's "Summer for Marriage" Tour, but he is also (wait for it) driving the RV that NOM is using in the tour. We know this because he is so generously giving everyone updates on how the "tour" is going.

So the question here is who are you going to believe? The National Organization for Marriage or your own eyes?

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  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Here's what I posted on Brian Brown's entry about the whole SPLC thing being an absurd distraction.

    I also echoed it on Facebook and on my blog:

    It irks me that I have to state the obvious; but you are a HATE Group. SPLC is just giving you enough rope to hang yourself.

    You just don’t understand that civil rights cut both ways. It allows you to spout your religious bovine effluent that influences your views, and it allows me to marry the person of my choice. Pretty simple in a civil society. The thing is, you want an unbalanced society where the rights of one group trump those of another.

    But I’ve noted NOM’s central tenet is the children. All of you at NOM are fearful that if kids find out that there are in fact gay people around and that those gay people are really no different other than who they love, that we LGBT people will become more acceptable.

    You abhor that fact so much that you’ll all make the most ridiculous statements concerning the consequences for the children but yet you won’t address Maggie Gallagher having a child out of wedlock, or better yet that you will not comment on childless couples be it age or other.

    It shows your hypocrisy regarding marriage and children. In essence it boils to the fact that you HATE LGBT people. That’s right you hate us. You can put on your smarmy sweet smile and offer us drinks on a hot summer day, but at the base of it all, you’re all haters. Every last one of you.

  2. If is not affiliated with then why is the link to their Facebook page land there, and why on that Facebook page info do they post Website:
    General Manager:
    Brian Brown
    Facebook Page:
