Thursday, December 23, 2010

DADT repeal 'traps limp-wristed enlistees' and other Thursday midday news briefs

Fischer: DADT Repeal Means "Limp-Wristed Enlistees" Now Stuck In the Military - AFA's Bryan Fischer strikes again.

FRC staffer likens U.S. to Sodom and Gomorrah; we wonder if Biblical city had universal healthcare - There is nothing like the classic homophobic condemnations.

Parents of gay Rutgers student who committed suicide may sue school - This continues to be a sad story.

Alberta Delists Homosexuality as a Mental Disorder - What took them so long?

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1 comment:

  1. Montana12:29 PM

    Poor McCain, he lost the election, because of his choices and now he is like a fish out of water by all his flip, flops on DADT, what a true hypocrite, he should move himeself into a old farts home. We all know that he is a member of the "Gay Old Party" GOP.

    McCain Hardball Don't Ask, Don't Tell
