Thursday, December 02, 2010

NOM still bellyaching about being profiled as an anti-gay hate group and other Thursday midday news briefs

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Hearings: Live Updates From Washington - Just my personal opinion - Sen. John McCain is destroying his own legacy.

NOM Compares SPLC To Joseph McCarthy
- Awwww poor, picked-upon hate groups. Keep it in the press, NOM. All the better that everyone knows your real face.

Conservative Christians blast Apple decision to discontinue app - They will have to get over it.

I respect gay rights, says Kenyan PM
- It remains to be seen.

Report: Gays targeted more than any other minority - Southern Poverty Law Center vouches for something some of us probably knew already.

Christian Minister: Muslim Congressman's Support Of 'Homosexuals' Is Part Of Sharia Plot - Or lesson one in how to get some press. All you do is say some of the dumbest, most outrageous things and link your statements to Muslims, or lgbts, or both.

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  1. I don't know if you saw this piece at AFA's OneNewsNow but it's a classic:

    But Diane Gramley, president of AFA of Pennsylvania, is curious why government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), and Health and Human Services (HHS) are not included in the list.

    "I believe they should be on the list because [the CDC's] fact sheets recognize that the highest rates of HIV/AIDS are among men who have sex with men," she explains. "And under the FDA's policy, [blood donation centers] will not allow a man who's had sex with a man even once since 1977 to donate blood." In addition, the HHS Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability voted 6-9 in June not to recommend lifting the lifetime ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men.

    "I would think that the Southern Poverty Law Center will consider those policies to be discriminatory against homosexuals," Gramley argues.

    It's almost impossible to parody such people.

  2. So true. And as long as they keep the story in the media, it works in our favor.

    Neither the CDC, HHS, nor the FDA have said the ugly, untrue things about the lgbt community that these groups have.

    It's funny that Gramley cites the CDC because more than once, the organization has listed homophobia as a reason the HIV rate in the lgbt community. The kind of homophobia that breeds a lack of trust of medical professionals by lgbts.
