Thursday, December 30, 2010

Teachers who bullied gay student sues school district and other Thursday midday news briefs

Teachers who engaged in anti-gay bullying now suing school district - Whatever happened to the "good old days" when teachers could make fun of lgbt students without reprisal, huh? This story got me so upset that I stopped reading it several times. I can tell you that if the student was me, my mother would given a new meaning to the term "raising hell."

Video: A pack of Savages - I take back my negative opinion of Dan Savage as of now. Any man who can tell it like it is about GoProud and piss off Peter LaBarbera at the same time is a hero in my book. And that's not even counting the awesome work he started this year with the "It Gets Better" project.

Peter LaBarbera Spreads Gordon Klingenschmitt’s Lie Further - And speaking of LaBarbera, apparently he really adores discredited anti-gay sources.

Our complicated relationships with the john - The issue of lgbt equality should not be reduced issues of bathroom usage, but we need to get a handle on this nonsense before the religious right can exploit it.

Apple rejects "Manhattan Declaration" app for second time - DEAL with it, religious right! Your homophobia has been rejected again.

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