Friday, January 07, 2011

Homophobe Matt Barber accuses gays of making him look 'limp-wristed'

Since it's the weekend, I am going to take a break from the serious stuff and do something I enjoy immensely - making fun of the homophobic Peter LaBarbera and Matt Barber.

On his Americans for Truth webpage, LaBarbera made the following claim regarding an interview between him and Barber:

In the first part of the interview, LaBarbera discusses how homosexual activists manipulated a photo of Matt taken at a pro-family protest to try and make him look “limp-wristed.” (Barber, a former heavyweight boxer, ably describes the “queer” activists’ penchant for putting down their foes by calling them …. homosexuals.) See the hateful Joe Jervis’ embarrassingly sophomoric use of the trick Barber photo HERE.

LaBarbera is talking about this photo of Barber looking especially like he is "family."

The sad thing about LaBarbera' s statement is that so much of it is false. The photo was not taken at a "pro-family" protest. It was taken at an anti- Proposition 8 protest from two years ago. And we have proof of this because of the link LaBarbera so generously provided. The orginal photo is at the left. Perhaps LaBarbera was claiming that Barber's presence equaled a "pro-family" protest. Well counting Barber and LaBarbera, that was two protesters there. Whoop te do. I wonder what they sang as a protest song.

And of course LaBarbera's claim of the photo being a "trick" is highly specious. I did not listen to LaBarbera's explanation of how this was possible (mainly because I prefer my Metamucil taken orally and not audibly) but from what Jervis told me, LaBarbera was claiming that the "trick" had something to do with the shutterspeed of the camera.


The original photo of Barber and other photos were originally posted on Pam's House Blend. So basically this idea that us gay activists manipulated a photo of Barber to make him look limp-wristed is a serious flight of fancy on the part of LaBarbera and Barber, much like the idea that either of them can be taken seriously as anything but two men with too much time on their hands and too much preoccupation with the so-called nocturnal habits of gay men. They both need to get real jobs.

Barber looking extremely limp-wristed in his photo had nothing to do with us. All we did was to take advantage of his faux pas because honestly, poking fun at Barber (and LaBarbera) is so enjoyable that is should be considered fattening.

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  1. Seems to me Matt Barber didn't need any help looking limp-wristed..

    Never fear Matt... If you're afraid we'll mistake you as gay and want you on 'the team'; fear not- We'd prefer you stay on the 'straight' side of things and just leave us alone!

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    If any picture makes Bam Bam look gay, it's the heavily metrosexual manscaped photo on his own book.
