Friday, January 28, 2011

Homophobes try to disturb David Kato's funeral and other Friday midday news briefs

Violence Erupts at Kato Funeral - Oh Good God! Even after his murder, they try to take away Kato's dignity. They didn't succeed.

Brian Brown: 'I haven't actually seen the film, but...' - Who cares if Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage hasn't really seen the movie he dares to criticize. As long as the lgbt characters in it aren't pitiful self-hating creatures who die before the final scene, then the movie is awful, right?

9 Stupid Myths About Bisexuals Debunked - An article which is sorely needed.

Hysteria and hyperbole – the response to homosexuality in black churches - Handle your business, my brother.

The GOP's quiet evolution on gay rights - Next, tell me the one about the Easter Bunny.

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  1. Even in death, Kato wasn't safe from homophobia. It was completely inappropriate for the pastor to make anti-gay comments at the funeral.

  2. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the article on bisexuality! If I had a dollar for every time I've heard one of those stupid myths (or, for that matter, been propositioned for a threesome) I'd be rich...
