Thursday, January 20, 2011

Homophobic presidential candidates and bad research make for an ugly Thursday morning

Apparently I am not the only one alarmed with GOP Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty's attempt to kiss up to anti-gay hate groups.

Republicans are alarmed by it too:

It’s hard to see what Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was thinking when he voiced support on Thursday for reinstating the ban on gays serving openly in the military.  Pawlenty must know that with almost 80% of Americans supporting repeal, he cannot realistically bring back DADT.

Tellingly, Pawlenty did not say he would fight to reinstate DADT or that he would even make it a priority. What Pawlenty said was “I would support reinstating it”, which is quite different from actively working for reinstatement.  I’m sure Barack Obama “would support” a balanced budget, but I don’t expect one from him.
Pawlenty made his statement on the radio program of Bryan Fischer from the American Family Association, a smart choice if you want to sell a book  to social conservatives. Unfortunately Bryan Fischer also has a long track record of inflammatory and untrue statements.  . . .  If Bryan Fischer had made racist or anti-Semitic statements then no respectable Republican would have appeared on his show. How is this any different?

And speaking of homophobic Presidential candidates, I received the following comment regarding my piece on Rick Santorum's attack on same-sex households.

I have evidence that homosexuals are 40 times more likely to molest children. This paper is thoroughly documented.

The following was my response:

Dear Anonymous,

The only reason why I am publishing your comment is to demonstrate your ignorance and homophobia. That link you gave me is chock full of bad citations, including the distortions of several pro-gay books, including the one by Weinberg and Bell (look it up on this blog.) BUT THE BIGGEST PISS POOR distortion is the citation of the work of Mr. George "Lift My Luggage" Rekers. And I haven't even talked about the fact that the author, Judith Reisman is a charlatan who has been literally laughed out of court so many times for her silly attacks on the Kinsey Institute that she has been barred from suing the organization.

If this study is your idea of thorough documentation, I feel VERY VERY sorry for you. 

I hope I didn't come off as too mean. I was reading something from Larry Kramer last night and apparently it may have rubbed off.

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  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    One more response.

    This debate on this page

    HAs plenty of info.

    The Gay Report

    Gay pro pedophilia groups.

  2. There are no gay pro-pedophile groups which I am aware of. And also, that looong discussion which you linked to makes those claiming that homosexuality and pedophilia look like lying fools - which they are.

    The irony is that its a discussion liked to a sad wannabe documentary - Boys Beware - claiming that gay men "recruit" or "kill" children.

    Really my friend, you make yourself look so dumb with your bad claims, bad citations and hilariously bad videos.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    My very last response.

    The FBI confirms it.

    BY the way there is a group called NAMBLA

  4. Oh please don't let that be your last response, I enjoy making you look ridiculous. Your link is to a 2001 article talking about a study by one Judith Reisman, which is pretty much the SAME study I was talking about in this post. AND I noticed that the article quoted one Tim Dailey of the Family Research Council. Dailey wrote several studies claiming the same thing as Reisman but you will no longer find them on the Family Research Council webpage because they were removed for outdated citations. The post talking about this is to your right as a part of my The Best of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters file.

    The article also quoted Peter LaBarbera. That's PORNO PETE Labarbera who is probably one of the main reasons why my blog has a degree of popularity. Google his name on this blog's search engine to see what I am talking about. It's beginning to be sad how you cite junk science without even researching it. And as for NAMBLA, it has nothing to do with lgbts. It is a group of pedophiles.

  5. Anonymous: You may want to read that article a bit more carefully -- rather than indicating that the FBI confirms anything you said, it explicitly states that the FBI denies such claims:

    "According to the FBI and several clinical studies published in reputable journals, gay men aren't more likely to sexually abuse boys, she [reporter Lesley Stahl] said.

    'In fact, the largest database of child molesters in the country shows that those who molest boys are over three times more likely to be heterosexual in their adult relationships than homosexual,' she said."
