Thursday, January 27, 2011

Matt Barber: 'Homofascists' picking on 'Christians' for murder of Ugandan gay activist

Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel has become the second religious right figure to comment on the murder of Ugandan gay activist David Kato:

At least he condemned the murder of Kato. Peter LaBarbera, who commented earlier today, didn't issue a word of condemnation regarding Kato's murder in his tweet. Editor's note - in another tweet, LaBarbera called Kato's murder "awful."

Smooth, Matt. Although your definition of  "pro-family Christians" leaves a LOT to be desired.

And does what you said about the first person to call another a "Nazi" in an argument count for calling someone a "fascist?"

If so, you lose again.

Pathetic. Phony Christianity on parade.

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  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Matt Barber should get a real job.

  2. Pathetic comes to mind....
    It would be good if a guy like him would have a "Saul of Tarsus" moment...
    I'll say a prayer; I won't hold my breath.

  3. Mykelb11:14 PM

    Someone should school the religious reich that FASCISM is a right wing political philosophy having NOTHING to do with the left wing in America. We may be socialists, yes, but FASCISTS NEVER. We do not believe in a dictatorial, nationalist government with oppressive police powers. THAT'S WHAT THE KKKRISTERS WANT - Theocracy lines up perfectly with fascism.
