Sunday, January 23, 2011

Michele Bachman makes Dan Quayle look like Albert Einstein

For someone who is a tea party favorite,  is always talking about getting us back to the vision of the Founding Fathers, and is conducting classes on the Constitution for members of the House of Representatives, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) isn't up on her Constitutional history. Check out this tweet courtesy of Americablog:

For the benefit of those not aware of the simple stupidity behind this post - All of the Founding Fathers were dead by the time slavery was abolished, seeing that America declared itself free from British rule close to 100 years before the 13th amendment to the Constitution was added. The 13th amendment  abolished slavery.

Dear Congresswoman Bachmann, I liked you better when you used to watch gay pride parades while hiding behind bushes.

And some conservative Republicans are actually pushing for her possible presidential candidacy, including one who called her " Reagan in pumps."

Such is the sad state of conservatism in America.

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  1. Mykelb9:17 PM

    Latest Republican straw poll puts Bachman at 7%, Palin at 9%, and Romney at 35%. We have more to fear from Romney than any of the Teabaggers.

  2. True. He was always the one who everyone knows will challenge Obama. But Obama used his idea for the health care bill and I happen to know for a fact that the religious right and the tea party HATE him. And the feeling is mutual, especially seeing that he is a Mormon. Will be interesting.
