Saturday, January 08, 2011

Phony page of Arizona shooter praising Obama now on Facebook

Someone with a NASTY sense of humor has put up a phony facebook profile page of the Arizona shooter Jared Laughner, complete with pictures of Obama, Stalin, Castro, and Saul Alinsky.

The page also features a quote from historical figure Emma Goldman. Goldman was blamed when President McKinley was assassinated. Lastly, the profile claims that the shooter is gay.

Nothing I can say will suffice except to ask that everyone reading this should report that page as fake. Go on the link (hold your nose if you have to) and click on the report button.

It's in the menu on the left. Bottom of the left sidebar, hit "Report/Block This Person." Put it up as a fake profile, impersonating a public figure.

UPDATE - GOOD JOB! The page is now gone.

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  1. Appears to be gone already.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    how do you know it was fake?

  3. Trust me, it was fake. And now it's gone. That alone proves it. If it had been a real person, it would have still been there.
