Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Rabid homophobe claiming that he will tone down rhetoric and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Video: The courage to stand against Nazis, Gulags, and -- gay equality?! - What did Ronald Reagan say - there they go again!

Shift in mission for religious firebrand - Speaking of my morning post, homophobe Scott Lively (author of The Pink Swastika) is claiming that he will now tone down his rhetoric and focus on helping the downtrodden, i.e. homeless people, drug addicts, and alcoholics. I will believe it when I see it. But if you are serious, Lively, might I suggest you discover how many of those folks are lgbts who became homeless, drug addicts, and alcoholics because of your rhetoric.

Right Wing Boycott Movement Links CPAC to the Muslim Brotherhood - Linking homophobia to Islamophobia? You just know that was a next step.

NC:Mecklenburg equality resolution passes unanimously; debate, condemnation of Bill James' remarks - Bill James, the infamous homophobe in North Carolina finally gets smacked down, at least partly. Hey, I am not complaining.

And finally, I received a comment on this morning's post regarding The Pink Swastika from someone in Germany. I was so pleased with it that I wanted to share it not only on that post, but this one as well:

I live in germany, and the only ones who say that Hitler was gay are the same type of idiots with conspiracy theories as the author of said book. He was married to Eva Braun (admittedly for a short time).

While there where probably some gays in the NSDAP (like there are in the catholic church or the republican party, you get my point I hope). Ernst Röhm, one of Hiler's close f, that is not what made theme "extreme". Ernst Röhm, one of Hitler's friends, was in fact gay. Hilter denied these rumors for as long as Röhm was useful to him, and then had him murdered around 7.1.1934. However, the thesis that homosexuality was somehow disproportionately dominant amongst the ranks of the Nazi Party is utter bogus. That's my polite opinion

My personal opinion, with all due respect, is that anyone who argues that the Nazis were gay should take Lively's book and shove it up their ass. I don't care much if americans want to falsify their own history, it is amusing me even, but stay the hell away from europe. If your politicans continue with this garbage it's only a matter of time until some nutcase over here starts spreading that lunacy in hope of making money (in fact, I think that already happened, that book however was virtually rend asunder by historians in berlin).

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  1. Josh in OR7:28 PM

    You know...I miss the days when crazy people who had whacked out conspiracy theories ranted about shape-shifting alien lizard men and the Illuminati. I blame Ronald Reagan's administration for closing down so many asylums and mental hospitals and thus, sending so many crazy people out into the world to mingle...

    Well, not really, but it makes you wonder.

    This is a great blog, man, and I check it several times throughout my day. As a gay man raised by baptists and closeted til my twenties, I'm keenly aware of the dangers of our own brand of zealot, and thank you for bring so much to attention. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you for the compliment, Josh ;p
