Monday, February 07, 2011

Michele Bachmann's favorite ministry has a love of rabid homophobia and other Monday midday news briefs

Bachmann’s Favorite Ministry Joins Fischer to Link Gays to the Holocaust - Michele Bachmann's favorite homophobic ministry meets with Bryan Fischer of the AFA. Wouldn't it be nice if homophobes spontaneously combusted when meeting up?

As an added bonus to this clip, check out part 1 (get the barf bag ready) of this interview featuring Bachmann's favorite ministry with an old friend of ours - Paul Cameron:

By the way Bradlee dearest, Paul Cameron was given that label of "most dangerous" over 25 years ago by The Advocate magazine (I own the issue). Things have changed significantly.

WND paints us as WMD; at this point, we can't even muster a courtesy WTF?! - And coming up number two with a nasty bullet is World Net Daily with an extremely homophobic cover story. Seriously you have to see this to believe it.

Shia LaBeouf’s Bar Fight Had Gay Slurs
- First of all Shia, you have money, a hot career, and an Emmy. Who cares what some drunken fool in a bar thinks. BUT since you did, at least get a good punch off.

Utah: Bill could protect many religious activities
- I'm all for protecting religion to a degree but this bill has some negative side effects for the lgbt community.

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1 comment:

  1. The Utah Bill is not good news. Christensen is a major bigot and he's running bunch of bills this year, the cumulative effect of which would be to harm the glbt community.

    This bill in particular is an attempt to override city ordinances protecting glbt persons from discrimination in hiring and housing (I think 11 cities, including Salt Lake) have such ordinances. Christensen's bill is an end run attempt to undo those protections without actually passing a law that would get violate the Romer v Evans supreme court ruling (1992).
