Wednesday, March 09, 2011

How would you react if you saw gay or lesbian soldiers harassed for showing affection?

The ABC news program What Would You Do sets up imaginary scenarios which show people's reaction to situations deemed controversial. It's not like Candid Camera in that it garners people's feelings about the important issues of the day instead of using said situations to elicit comedy.

 Recently What Would You Do set up a scenario in which first two gay soldiers and then two lesbian soldiers "attracting attention" in restaurant by merely showing each other some affection. The reactions are both empowering and absolutely infuriating:

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1 comment:

  1. On one hand, it's uplifting how many people stood up in defense of the guys regardless of who they had start the mouthing off. On the other hand it's tear-inducing levels of shamefully depressing how almost no one was willing to stand up for the women at all until the troublemakers were out of earshot. Sexism lives!
