Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tennessee anti-gay group steals tacky video from Florida

The tactics of homophobia are never new. They are as old as the Earth itself - appeal to people's ignorance and fear and you will have success. Case in point is this ad by the The Family Action Council of Tennessee:

Does this ad look familiar? It should. In 2009, a group which called themselves Citizens for Good Policy out of Gainesville, FL ran the same ad in an effort to defeat an anti-discrimination ordinance:

Luckily the effort to defeat the anti-discrimination ordinance in FL lost by a large majority, proving that people don't always fall for vindictively inaccurate scare tactics about men in women's restrooms..

Hopefully Tennessee will be further proof of this. It's pathetic that these groups can't think of a reasonable argument against anti-discrimination ordinances so they have to conjure up lies about children in danger.

Hat tip to Truth Wins Out.

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1 comment:

  1. Laurel5:50 PM

    "The bill will stop such mandates"? Are they proposing another unconstitutional bill that would prohibit civil rights protections for a class of people? A little thing called Romer v. Evans took care of that mode of discriminatino.
