Thursday, April 28, 2011

N @&!%r, show me you papers!

It's true I am a gay man. And I am also a black man and as such, I'm still pissed over what President Obama was forced to do yesterday. So I will hand it over to Goldie Taylor, contributing editor of The Grio. She breaks it down to a level of understanding which needs to be seen far and wide. The title of this post is extreme (which is not in Taylor's monologue), but it's the one thing that has been consistently flashing in my mind since yesterday. If it offends you, good. Now you have a little taste of how I feel right now.:

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Read Taylor's original piece here.

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  1. Eloquent. Donald Trump will not understand this.

  2. Obama wasn't forced to produce another birth certificate. He could have ignored Donald Trump, and he should have. George W. Bush certainly wouldn't have taken the bait. This is another example of how, when the yahoos on the Right yank his chain, he jumps.

  3. Actually obama was forced to. Trump was mainstreaming the lie and jerome corsi was about to come out with a book and a huge media campaign on the issue. The book is called "where's the birth certificate" and u know fox would give it lots of play.

  4. Understand why he felt he had to do it, but if he had just waited another week, no one would have been talking about his birth certificate.
