Thursday, May 26, 2011

Announcing a summer tour FOR marriage equality and other Thursday midday news briefs

Because anti-equality road trips are soooo last summer - A summer bus tour FOR marriage equality? I'm for it. Let's get the word out!

NOM’s Faux Outrage Over ABC’s “What Would You Do?” Segment - For an organization with so much money, NOM is getting desperate in findings ways to demonize the lgbt community.

Pro-Marriage GOPer in NY Assembly has message for fellow Republicans - Sweet! We ain't there yet but we are gonna to get there!

In response to Maggie Gallagher’s ‘Cuomo and Bloomberg’ question - People who live in glass houses, Maggie . . .

Guest column by Irene Monroe: In "Hot-lanta" you stay "in the closet" as CNN's Don Lemon did - An excellent piece on why some black gay men stay in the closet.

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1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Irene Monroe continues to undermine her otherwise solid analysis by labeling Gay people "queer", including Gay youth, which is an unbelievably cruel thing to do! Like countless other same-gender-loving pundits, she has been called on this unsavory usage and the woman clearly doesn't give a damn. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
