Thursday, May 19, 2011

Concerned Women for America = hate group and other Thursday midday news briefs

In the 80s, the Concerned Women for America endorsed a comic book featuring vile anti-lgbt images such as the following:

Now the organization creates its own images connecting homosexuality and pedophilia:

And they wonder why the Southern Poverty Law Center considers them to be a hate group.

Hat tip to Jeremy Hooper

And in other news . . .

Equality NC's faith leaders press conference challenges anti-gay lawmakers, counters fundie rally - Good for North Carolina!

NOM Freaks Out About Slavery Comparison Two Days After Making It Themselves - The National Organization for Marriage are hypocrites Part 1.

NOM: You’re Only A Bully If You Support Gay Rights - The National Organization for Marriage are hypocrites Part 2.

Nugent ‘repulsed’ by gay sex - Why is it that ugly heterosexual men seem to be more obsessed with gay sex than gay men? Maybe that's why I can't get any.

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1 comment:

  1. This stupid lie will continue to haunt us. Last week in the opinion section of Bowling Green's local newspaper someone wrote that homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand. I can't decide whether to laugh at all the ignorance or get angry. I honestly can't. Our 'friends' at the FRC, CWA, AFTAH, NOM, AFA etc. know that tide is turning in LBGT's favor. They're becoming desperate and trumpeting these outrageous lies even louder.
