Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm beginning to think that Bryan Fischer doesn't like gays

It's often said that the first to call the other a Nazi has lost the argument. - Matt Barber of the right-wing Liberty Counsel.

Why thank you Matt for calling Bryan Fischer a loser. But the lgbt community always knew that:

By the way, the following is Fischer's idea of "criticizing gay people:"

This is the same Bryan Fischer who's said "Homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews". The guy who's said "homosexuals should be disqualified from public office," has called on Christian conservatives to breed gays and progressives out of existence, has called gay sex a "form of domestic terrorism," who's said only gays were savage enough for Hitler, has compared gays to heroin abusers, has directly compared laws against gay soldiers to those that apply to bank robbers, who once invoked a Biblical story about stabbing "sexually immoral" people with spears, saying we need this kind of action in modern day, who has spoken out against gays serving as public school teachers, has questioned why Medals of Honor are given to people who save lives (rather than take lives), who says that open service will "assign the United States to the scrap heap of history," who recently commiserated with Bradlee 'Executing homosexuals is moral' Dean, and who has blamed gay activists for dead gay kids, saying that: "If we want to see fewer students commit suicide, we want fewer homosexual students". 

Oh we are such bullies. I mean how dare us lgbts get angry when attacked like this.

The next thing you know, we will get angry when called the "f-word."

I mean that's just uppity.

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