Monday, May 02, 2011

Matt Barber uses Bin Laden's death to be disgustingly homophobic

Comments are coming in from all over regarding Osama Bin Laden's death. Probably the most repugnant comes from a familiar source:

We can always count on the Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber to make one feel morally superior. Remember this tweet on the night of President Obama's State of the Union address:

It would be easy to say something about Barber's obsession with gay sex, but something else needs to be said. It's really sad when someone who claims to represent Christianity and the "love of Jesus" exploits this occasion to make a crass joke about the lgbt community.

Granted this is the same guy who whines about how the lgbt community are anti-Christian bullies.

Barber's conduct leaves me to ask him a question:

The lgbt community are not anti-Christian bullies, but if we were, what would it have to do with you because if one were to judge you on your behavior, you are as Christian as the man whose recent death led to your crass comment.

Hat tip to Truth Wins Out.

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  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Interesting how you guys misinterpret Matt Barber's comment. Barber simply is making a point about military cohesiveness. A woman who suspects a man who's attracted to her and not attracted to him would be very weary and uneasy about serving in the military together. How would it not be a distraction for her when she would have the additional worry or stress of a man more interested in hitting on her than protecting her. The same applies for a open homosexuality in the military. I guess the military should let mena and women shower together and sleep in the same quarters now too.

  2. I hardly think anyone is misinterpreting Barber's drivel. Assuming that gay soldiers will automatically try to molest their fellow heterosexual soldiers is the height of stupidity and homophobia.
