Monday, June 06, 2011

Alliance Defense Fund play the 'pedophilia' and 'bestiality' cards against marriage equality

Check out this nonsense from the Alliance Defense Fund against marriage equality.

Notice how it's long on awful portents of doom about marriage equality but short on actual facts that these claims are true.

 Like the following:

This radical social revolution demands courts redefine law, fabricate same-sex “marriage,” and opens the legal door for polygamy, polyamory, bestiality, and child “marriage,” among other disturbing changes.

Pedophilia and bestiality again? The Alliance Defense Fund must be taking their cues from the Minnesota Family Council.

Note to the National Organization for Marriage - refer to this brochure please. I double dare ya.

Hat tip to Goodasyou.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I like how, in their list of what same-sex marriage will lead to, they list polygamy. Many of the more prominent figures, including David, had several wives. In fact, since they love to spout how we need to uphold the tradition of marriage, why do they not try to repeal the laws against polygamy? The laws were only passed as a way to suppress the Mormons that happened to be good with money.

    That said, I plan to vote NO on the amendment in MN, or have it found unconstitutional before then if possible.
