Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another opinion of Tracey Morgan's 'comedy' - from the grave

Tracey Morgan in 2011 about the possibility of his son being gay:

. . .he "better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I'll pull out a knife and stab that little (expletive) to death."

January 28, 2005:
Three year old Ronnie Antonio Paris died of injuries after being beaten by his father, Ronnie Paris, Jr. Ronnie's father, Ronnie Paris, Jr., was convicted of second degree murder. News reports give us the impression Ronnie Antonio Paris' father was trying to make Ronnie Antonio tough and to teach him to fight, because he did not want Ronnie Antonio to grow up to be gay.

The brain trauma Ronnie Antonio received when he was being taught to fight appears to have been too much for his body. News articles indicate he stopped eating, wet himself and went into a coma. He died six days later.

Some shit just ain't funny.

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  1. What monster would beat little kid like that?

  2. Mykelb6:19 PM

    @Tom: Apparently, a lot of straight people. Have you ever seen a news story about a CHILD being beaten or killed by his TWO FATHERS/MOTHERS?

    I would venture to guess 99% of all child deaths are attributable to heterosexual violence.
