Monday, June 20, 2011

Are the anti-marriage equality forces in NY stalling for a reaction?

Just something short which came to my mind about the situation in New York.

A small part of me gets the impression that there is stalling going in hopes of getting the lgbtq community so frustrated in NY that they begin acting out in frustration. Could it be that on the other side, there is a hope that the longer this thing bears out, NY lgbtqs and their allies demonstrate their frustration in demonstratively angry ways?

And if that happens, count on the following to happen next:

NOM spreads the message about violent homosexuals on its blogs and to its partners,

the Catholic Church, particularly Archbishop Dolan, begins to pressure the issue,

David Tyree pushes talking points about "see I told you how this situation will lead to anarchy,"

There is announcement that several Republican senators begin changing their minds on their pro-equality votes in an attempt to "distance" themselves from the angry lgbtq community,

Internally amongst NY lgbtqs and our allies, the cohesion disappears,

and if by magic, suddenly Sen. Skelos calls for a vote to settle the question of marriage equality.

One guess what the ending is going to be.

If this is the case, then it is a sad, filthy tactic which proves that in spite of all of their prayers and talk of upholding God's will, those who oppose marriage equality don't have any suitable arguments to defend their cause and therefore have to exploit the righteous indignation of those oppressed by their lies.

So my lgbtq brothers and sisters in NY, as well as our allies, PLEASE don't give in to it. Don't give in to anger and frustration. You are so close to getting what should have been yours in the first place. This stalling tactic may be a desperate ploy - a way to make you forget the nobility of your argument, of your struggle for basic decency.

Don't fall for it.

Keep your heads up and keep pushing with respect. Don't let lawmakers forget that you are tax-paying citizens deserving of basic rights. And don't give them excuses to strip you of your dignity and humanity.

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  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I wish this message could be gotten to the pro-equality demonstrators before something happens.

  2. then feel free to spread it around, anonymous

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM

    It's a shame that Westboro Baptist Church isn't coming to Albany to protest. They would be just the ticket to sway the GOP votes to our side, I think. Their bigotry is so obvious and so shameful that it shows the whole anti-gay faction up as the prejudiced, bigoted mob they are.

  4. I was at yesterday's rally, and happily, there was not a breath of unpleasantness; it was a completely peaceful and civil day.
