Monday, June 20, 2011

As NY vote draws near, NOM dives headfirst into homophobic lunacy

As the vote for marriage equality draws near, the National Organization for Marriage has a myriad of plans to show its displeasure. According to Jeremy Hooper, the folks will be hold a 1 PM press conference at the NY State Capitol this afternoon. Supposedly the new spokesmodel, Carrie Prejean - I mean David Tyree - will be there.

Also attending will be Rev Jason McGuire. According to Americablog Gay, McGuire is:

leading the anti-marriage effort -- and continuously makes outrageous statements like comparing marriage to child abuse, "says that there is no degree of religious exemption that will ever appease him, and that his side will challenge marriage equality in court regardless of how the eventual law is worded."

Also according to Americablog Gay, it looks good for the bill:

based on the reporting of the NY Post. looks like this could be the day for a marriage vote in the State Senate:Gov. Cuomo and Senate Republican boss Dean Skelos could say, "I do" as soon as today on a historic gay-marriage bill that includes strengthened exemptions for religious groups.

Negotiators for the Republican-run Senate privately admitted that a deal is near after aides spent the Father's Day weekend ironing out language to appease "religious liberty" concerns that have been raised by several fence-sitting GOP senators.

 If there is a victory in New York, count on NOM to abandon all pretenses of sweet and light. Already on its blog, it's touting unbelievable deceptions:

The Alliance Defense Fund has provided a great service to our efforts to protect marriage:
Results from what is likely the most extensive national research survey of its kind show that 62 percent of Americans believe that “marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman.” Fifty-three percent of Americans strongly agreed.
The scientific survey, sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund and completed by Public Opinion Strategies May 16-19, was part of a comprehensive examination of American attitudes toward marriage. In addition to the national survey, the research included 14 focus groups completed across the country.
... “These numbers are not surprising,” said Public Opinion Strategies partner, and the survey’s director, Gene Ulm. “More than 63 million Americans in 31 state elections have voted on constitutional marriage amendments. Forty million Americans in all—63 percent of total voters--have voted to affirm marriage as a union between a man and a woman.”
“Americans strongly affirm the lifelong, faithful union of a man and a woman as the fundamental building block of civilization,” said Raum. “This survey, along with the nearly 80 percent win rate in ADF marriage cases, shows the opposition has created an illusion of momentum but not a real base of support or track record of victory in the courts.”

This study was meant to combat a more credible study which says the majority of Americans actually support marriage equality. But the media is not paying attention to this study. For one thing, it's from the extremely homophobic Alliance Defense Fund. The organization doesn't have a reputation of fairness when it come to the lgbt community.

Secondly, the Alliance Defense Fund never even released the methodology of the study, i.e. how the questions were asked, who was asked.

Furthermore, according to the Colorado Independent, the firm which conducted the study doesn't necessarily have a flawless reputation itself:

The firm that conducted the survey, Public Opinion Strategies, is tied to Republican Party causes and has been linked to unethical election campaign strategies in the past. According to Raw Story, the firm was charged with violating Virginia polling disclosure laws and was accused of using push polls to influence elections in favor of Republican candidates. The firm was also reportedly tied to the 1990s “Harry and Louise” ad paid for by insurance-industry giants that sunk Clinton Administration health insurance reform proposals.

In another item on its blog, NOM actually refers to the Family Research Council's shrill video about the so-called dangers of marriage equality:

A new documentary produced by FRC:

To expose the threat [of same-sex marriage] and awaken Americans, Family Research Council is releasing a brand new documentary, "The Problem with Same-sex Marriage: How It Will Affect You and Your Children."

This documentary shows in heartbreaking detail what happens when marriage is redefined. You will hear first-hand accounts of how same-sex "marriage" impacts your parental rights, your children, and your religious liberties.

Your eyes will be opened to the growing intolerance and intimidation toward those who espouse marriage as the union of a man and a woman. And you will be equipped to know your rights so that you can take a stand for marriage in your community.

Oh please. This the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council - home of Peter Sprigg, who wants to either deport lgbtqs or put us in jail for showing intimacy.

This is the same organization which - even as I blog - is secretly passing along information which it earlier declared outdated, including information from a discredited researcher (Paul Cameron) who claims that when gays aren't molesting children or committing serial killings - are either wallowing around in feces or stuffing gerbils up our rectums.

I smell desperation on the part of NOM. That's okay by me though. When folks get desperate, they get careless. When folks get careless, they begin to lose to those watching for these moments of desperation.

And NOM, I've been watching you for a long time.

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1 comment:

  1. Mykelb8:44 AM

    If marriage equality comes to NY, I will personally deliver a copy of the legislation to Maggie in DC. I want to tell her a thing or two.
