Saturday, June 25, 2011

Justice rolls down like a mighty stream in New York

As seen from the blog post below this one, the National Organization for Marriage has gone shrill over its loss in New York.

But it's not about them. Its not about Brian Brown or Maggie Gallagher, or even the Catholic Church.

It's about the millions of lgbtqs and their families who received the validation they richly deserved from last night's vote. And it's about the future battles - like the one coming up in Minnesota- for more families to get their equality and justice. With that in mind, savor this moment because it was well fought for, not just by the lgbtq community but also their allies who had their back:

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    These people, Maggie, Tony, Brian, Bryan, Matt, Pete - the whole lot of them - will say anything and tell any lie to try and get their way. They have no honesty, no integrity and no morals. The world is starting to understand that. These organizations are on a par with White Supremacists. They're about HATE, and nothing else.
