Wednesday, June 01, 2011

NOM teams up with gay = pedophilia and bestiality group in Minnesota and other Wednesday midday news briefs

NOM, Family Council register to begin fundraising for marriage battle - A few things u need to know about this: 1. NOM, the Minnesota Family Council (the group which claims that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, bestiality, and the consuming of urine and feces), and the Minnesota Catholic Conference are involved in this effort. NOM and MFC have already formed a group called Minnesota for Marriage (a rather innocuous title seeing that they only wanted heterosexual marriages). 2. The Minnesota Family Council's CEO - John Helmberger - is listed as the chair and treasurer of the group. 3. Both NOM and MFC are presently being investigated for failing to disclose lobbying efforts.

Recipients of civil union license: 'We wanted to make a statement'
- Congratulations Illinois couples! BTW the first couple to register was an African-American couple.

Confessions of a Blog Addict. Or Why I Love to Hate and - Hilarious article and it mentions this blog too.

Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith - Last but not least, an excellent article which everyone should read. It covers so many good points. But for me, the main point is that I have been given the perfect answer to relate to those African-Americans who say "I can't hide my skin color, but gays can hide who they are." Answer - "Since when is the closet a privilege? Since when having to lie about your life is a privilege?"

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking the "Confessions of a Blog Addict" article, which I enjoyed a lot, and also the Melissa Harris Perry article. Her answer to the canard about being able to hide one's gayness is perfect. But I have never understood why African Americans would say that in the first place. Being in the closet is much like the old practice by light-skinned Blacks of "passing," and everyone knows the psychological costs of "passing," but no one more than those who did it.
