Tuesday, June 28, 2011

NOM's Brian Brown vs. Rev. Al Sharpton - it's not even a contest

The National Organization for Marriage's loss in New York is making the organization look for new avenues to spin its talking points.

A few months ago, when NOM was riding high with "victories" in Maryland and Rhode Island, I doubt the group would have agreed to appear on MSNBC news.

But after New York, NOM president Brian Brown appeared on the news channel in a debate with the Rev. Al Sharpton while anchor Thomas Roberts directed traffic.

Maybe the word "massacre" is too extreme a word to use, but it's safe to say that Sharpton took Brown's antiquated talking points and played him like a yo-yo. Brown seemed edgy and uncomfortable throughout the entire segment, as if he didn't want to be there. In other words, I highly enjoyed it.

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  1. Is it just me, or does Brown have a demonstrable developmental disorder? Just look at the way his mouth moves when he speaks. Not that I'm making fun of the guy - he just looks "off." And not that I'm defending his idiocy in any way, but it would go a long way to explaining his antiquated views on love, life and respect for others.

  2. Linnea11:13 AM

    Note to the right-wingers: Don't go up against Al Sharpton unless you want to be shown up for the heartless idiots you are.

    I'm astounded they haven't figured this out yet.
