Wednesday, June 15, 2011

TMZ embarrasses NOM and David Tyree

On its blog, NOM is trumpeting the interview it conducted with Superbowl hero and former New York Giant David Tyree regarding his disagreement with marriage equality

NOM makes it a point to brag that the interview had been picked up by other media outlets including Politico and TMZ.

The only thing is that TMZ burns Tyree hard, by just letting him talk and demonstrating that the brother is simply clueless:

Ex-NY Giants receiver David Tyree -- who made the LEGENDARY helmet catch in Super Bowl XLII -- is coming out against gay marriage HARD ... claiming it's the first step on the road to "ANARCHY."
 . . . During the interview, Tyree is asked about the push to legalize gay marriage in the United States -- and says if it happens, "This will be the beginning of our country sliding toward ... it's a strong word, but anarchy."

To reinforce his point, Tyree says, "You can't teach something that you don't have ... so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."

And the kicker, Tyree -- who's black -- says, "How can marriage be marriage for thousands of years and now all the sudden because a minority, an influential minority, has a push or agenda ... and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country."

FYI -- Tyree's statement comes almost 44 years to the day after interracial marriage was legalized in the United States ... thanks, in part, to the agenda of an influential minority.

I love TMZ.

Dear David, an old saying goes like "it's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Take the hint.

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  1. Mykelb6:34 PM

    People should realize that head trauma victims are not the best spokespersons for political purposes. Idiots. He's been duped.

  2. That's funny, because Bette Midler says her gay friends taught her how to be a woman.

  3. Ned_Flaherty2:30 PM

    Tyree’s screw-ups aren’t caused by his substance abuses, his football concussions, or even because N.O.M. tricked him.

    He screwed up because N.O.M. had him practice and recite a script, but when CNN’s Kyra Phillips asked Tyree to explain himself, he turned into a buffoon, since: (1) he hadn’t memorized N.O.M.’s script, (2) the ideas weren’t his own, (3) he had no proof of his claims, and (4) he couldn’t articulate what (supposedly) were just his very own thoughts.

    Notice in the 4-minute fake “public service ad” that his eyes seem to be reading notes (or a tele-prompter), and there are quite a few jumps where his words were cut out or re-sequenced before the tape went on the air.

    The question remains: how much did N.O.M. pay him for those 4 minutes?
