Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Phony family 'expert' gets grilled at DOMA hearing and other Wednesday midday news briefs

The Congressional hearing concerning DOMA is happening now (and is probably over by the time you read this entry) and from what I understand, reports are Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery had a bad time of it. First, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) made mincemeat of his bad reading of studies:

You think Sen. Franken reads this blog? Okay that was ostentatious but I couldn't help myself.

And then to make matters worse for Minnery, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) got him to admit that children in same-sex households (and there are a lot of them) are disadvantaged by a lack of protection for their families:

To read the full stories with the videos, you can go to ThinkProgress for the Franken/Minnery exchange and the Leahy/Minnery exchange.

Also check out -  Why Focus On The Family’s ‘Fatherless’ Studies Are Irrelevant To DOMA

In other news . . .

 Is Grassley Hinting That Maggie Gallagher Was Too Scared To Testify Against DOMA? - While I think that it is Maggie Gallagher he is talking about, I also think her reasoning is phony. She had no problem speaking at the DOMA hearing led by Republicans earlier this year.

Ghana Regional Minister Orders All Gays Arrested - Pray for our brothers and sisters caught in the grip of this madness.

Barber: Gays Don't Want The White Picket Fence, They Want To Burn It Down - An day old entry but I haven't picked on Matt Barber in a while.

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  1. Linnea10:31 AM

    Ha ha!! Take that, religious wing nuts! And huge kudos to Senators Franken and Leahy. Franken makes me very proud to be from Minnesota.

  2. Donny D.9:38 AM

    And here's another nice little news story:

    Yep, the SPLC has filed suit against the Anoka-Hennepin School District. Looks like the loathsome people who run the A-HSD are in for some well-deserved grief in return for all the grief they've caused and continue to cause.

    Isn't Anoka where Michele Bachmann is from?
